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O futuro das finanças na América Latina e no Caribe



Digital Banking and Fintech Webinars and Events in Latam: Fintech Remote Summit, Cybercrime; WhatsApp Banking

Apr 23, 2020

By Fabiola Seminario
Digital Banking and Fintech Webinars and Events in Latam
We round up the best digital banking and fintech webinars and online events in Latin America, from April 23 to May 01...



The week ahead has a number of highly interesting virtual events and webinars for the digital banking and fintech industry in Latin America, including discussions on how to offer WhatsApp banking, to the road ahead for corporate venture capital, to an ambitious digital event – the Fintech Remote Summit. Read on for our rundown of the best virtual events in digital banking and fintech next week 

Remember, too, you can always check our live online calendar here for the latest line-up of virtual events, and submit your own.


FinTech Tour: Novel Models and Sandboxes  

April 23, 5pm Mexico time 
The book ‘Law to regulate Financial Technology Institutions, Context, Content and Implications’ will be the context for this free webinar to discuss regulatory sandboxes and the impact it will have on the fintech sector. Click here to sign up for the webinar. (Spanish) 

Virtual co-creation marathon 

April 24, All Day 

This interesting virtual hackathon is an open innovation process in which five institutional challenges will be launched, which will be solved by teams made up of teachers, students and research groups from the National University of Colombia. You can enroll your team here. (Spanish) 

Fraud Prevention 2.0: Disruptive technology for LatAm banking 

April 27, 9:30 am Bogota time 
While confinement draws us away from outside threats, online fraud has been growing. Daniel Juvinao, commercial director of regional banking projects at FELABAN, will give a talk on how new technologies will be able to deal with cyber attacks on banks. Click here to sign up for the webinar. (Spanish) 

Digital Transformation: People First 

April 28, 10am CDMX time 
How to start a 100% digital bank? Thanks to VeriTran and BANTRAB we will know how the traditional mindset and user behavior have changed, what are the exponential technologies in the financial industry, as well as the challenges of leading the internal team so that it can achieve a smooth transition in the digital future. Click here to sign up for the webinar. (Spanish)   

Ask Me Anything: Corporate Venture Capital 

April 29, 4pm Miami time 
Corporate Venture Capital has been on the rise for many years. In this event, Silicon Valley Bank invites us to virtual seminar on the state of the business right now, how to get the best out of a strategic relationship, and how corporate companies are dealing with COVID19. Click here to sign up for the webinar. (English) 

Fintech Remote Summit 

April 30, 11 am-2pm Mexico time 
The great impact of fintech on traditional finance is clear – but what awaits this sector after COVID-19? What innovations could be considered? What will be the challenges and opportunities for the fintech world? Created by a group of six startups and fintech investors, the FRS is a virtual event that combines panels discussions between high-level speakers, with open chat rooms. Click here to learn more and sign up for the event. (Spanish) 

Whatsapp Business revolutionizes mobile banking 

April 30, 11am Bogota time 
This event explores the main benefits that WhatsApp Business offers, using AI (chatbots), efficient 2FA (two-factor authentication) systems and biometric voice recognition. Click here to sign up for the webinar. (English) 

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